Things to Buy in Potos Before Continuing Secret of Mana

Potos Village to Gaia's Navel

From where you first gain control of your character, hereafter referred to as "the boy," wander around counterclockwise. Near some plants the boy will comment that this is the way back to the village...but first you'll need something to cut through all the flowers. See that sword in the stump off to the left? Go over and grab it. After this scene, cut through the flowers and start killing all the fluffy little Rabites you come across. A couple screens over, you'll reach your home village of Potos. Before you do anything here, though, I recommend getting the sword up to level one and the boy up to level three. To get that much experience, you'll need to kill 47 Rabites or so. It sounds like a lot, but it shouldn't take more than five minutes of your time.
Once you've leveled up a little, go into Potos. Go into the building with a sign with a pot on it outside; this is the item shop. Buy and equip a Bandanna (you should have enough GP, having killed so many Rabites). Now go to the upper-right house where the elder is waiting for you. After a little dialogue and a couple events, you'll be up against the game's first boss, the Mantis Ant. He's not hard. If you're level three and have the Bandanna, he'll barely be able to damage you. Even if you do die, don't reset the game - someone will just revive you and you can continue the fight, no catch. Either use charge up level one attacks or just keep wacking away with regular swings; the boss will go down and you'll get a Sword's Orb.
Back on the surface, once you're free to move around, head into the upper-right house. Follow the elder's instructions and open the chest in the basement (50 GP), then head out and exit Potos from the lower right, never to return. Follow the signs to the Water Palace. You'll encounter a couple new enemies, but neither should present much a problem. You can stop at Neko's along the way (take the left near a wooden sign), but the cat overcharges for all the items he sells. Twice their actual price, in fact. Before the Water Palace you'll come across a group of soldiers; talk to them all and they'll march off on their mission.
Head into the Water Palace to the north. Step on the switches to extend bridges inside the building. Talk to Sage Luka. After a few conversations, you'll get the Spear. It's a little bit more powerful than the sword, and has a little more range. Leave. Your new destination is the kingdom of Pandora to the south. On the way, on the screen with the turn-off to Neko's, you'll get kidnapped by goblins. A girl sets you free, and you can resume your journey to Pandora, all the way to the south. (see here if you do not get kidnapped by goblins)
From where you enter the town, head right, then up to reach the castle. Go in the large center doors, and make your way up and down some stairs and through some passages until you see the girl who rescued you from the goblins come running out of a room. She'll join, bringing the Gloves weapon with her. Go into the throne room (door to the left) and you'll see Jema again. He'll tell you to go to Gaia's Navel to seek help from the dwarves.
You're done here; leave the castle, then leave Pandora using the lower left exit. Follow along the paths until you have the option to either go left or up (by a wooden sign). Go left to enter Kippo Village. The item shop has good equipment for sale, although you'll probably not have enough gold to get everything at this point. Get what you can, stay at the inn if you need to, then leave the village and head up. Stick to the left side of the screen and keep going up until you change screens again. At the top of this newest screen is a transporter that will take you to the Haunted Forest.
Be careful of the Chobin Hoods here; although they're easy enough when you can take them head-on, the way the stage is set up they're often behind barriers of flowers and thorns. Hack through the flowers to get to them, and try to avoid taking too many shots from their bows. Make your way through the Haunted Forest, passing Neko along the way. Eventually you'll reach a point where the only way remaining is blocked by some skulls. Make sure to run into them to get the dialogue that says you can't pass, then leave the forest the same way you came.
Move one screen down from the transporter, then take the stairs down and wind around counter-clockwise until you reach the center of the screen where the two caves are. For now the right one is a dead end with Neko in it. Take the left one to enter Gaia's Navel (fancy name for a cave). If you did not go into the Haunted Forest earlier, the Girl will refuse to go into the cave with you; you can choose to temporarily part ways and re-unite at a later time, but I really do recommend taking her with you - being together means you'll both get experience from killing the enemies. Either way you choose to do it, head into the cave. Look here if you chose to do Gaia's Navel before the Haunted forest.


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